Invitation to the 3rd B.S.Lab.International Symposium: Advances in Business Management

The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science has partnered with the scientific society Business Systems Laboratory after a successful EMCSR and is glad to announce the Call for Papers of the 3rd B.S.Lab.International Symposium: “Advances in Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach” that will be held in Perugia (Italy) at the University for Foreigners  on January 21-23, 2015.

The deadline for the submission of extended abstracts (between 500 and 2000 words) is September 10, 2014

The Third Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium focuses on the epistemological, theoretical, methodological, technical and practical contributions that can represent advancements in the theory and practice of Business Management. The Symposium 2015 calls for submissions of extended abstracts in 20 proposed tracks, chaired by outstanding scholars in each field, and in poster session.

Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, and Thomas Wallner, Board member of the BCSSS  facilitate the track [Business Systems] Design: A new paradigm towards an impactful practice to improve individual, communal, ecological and business flourishing. Please follow the link for more details.

The Symposium aims to address the global economic and social challenges of our times by a systemic perspective, shedding the light to the several interactions between natural social and economic systems. Being aware of these interactions provides a better understanding of the principles that can help to solve some of today’s most pressing social and economic issues. The criticalities and the opportunities of our times are faced according to the cutting edge research and practice in social science. This multidisciplinary perspective includes: management, economics, engineering and sociology.
While focusing on the Systemic perspective, the Symposium includes all the scientific approaches in order to foster constructive debates and confrontations to create new perspective of research and practice in the business systems field.

The webpage of the event is available at:
All the proposed tracks are listed at the following link:

We look forward to your contribution to the event and we hope to meet you in Perugia.

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