John CollierJohn Collier, internationally renowned expert in systems, complexity and information, is to visit our Center. He will stay in Vienna for one week and give an open (ended) workshop on “The Dynamical Basis of Social Emergence”.

It will deal with the question of what sort of dynamics are required for emergence in psychological and social systems. In that context, semiotics and semiotic self-control are important. However, Collier has not really worked out details as yet and will present work-in-progress.

If you are interested to join, please, send a message to The workshop will start on Tuesday, 25th of November 2014, 13:00, in the rooms of the Bertalanffy Center, Paulanergasse 13, 1040 Vienna.

John Collier is recently retired from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and maintains an association with the university. He is about to start the third year of three month stays in Brazil at the Institute of Biology at the Federal University of Bahia to work on function in ecology. Collier was scheduled for a keynote at the last European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research 2014 in Vienna but could not hold it due to an accident. He is one of the keynote speakers at theupcoming Information Science Summit Vienna 2015 next June.