BCSSS Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner led the “Special Integration Group on Socio-Ecological Systems” during the ISSS 2016 in Boulder, USA

Once again Stefan Blachfellner, BCSSS Managing Director and leader of the BCSSS Research Group Socio-ecological Systems and Design, was head of the Special Integration Group on Socio-Ecological Systems during the 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences ISSS 2016 from 24th to 30th July 2016 in Boulder,
Colorado, USA.

Because of this year’s main topic of the conference “Realizing Sustainable Futures in
Socio-Ecological Systems“ his group played an important role during the ISSS 2016.
Stefan Blachfellner presented a contribution on “The Need for a General Transdisciplinarity
to Solve Serious Systemic Challenges facing Present-Day Socio-Ecological and Socio-Technological Systems”.

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