International Workshop

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

20th – 23rd January 2018

Our higly valued Scientific Council member David Rousseau, leader of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy and Founder and Director of the Centre for Systems Philosophy in Surrey, UK, will be one of the contributors during this year’s INCOSE International Workshops (INCOSE IW18) from 20th – 23rd January 2018 in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Please find in the following a few words about the program he invites to:

On Saturday, 20th january 2018, Rousseau will be presenting in an OVERVIEW SESSION on Model-Based SE (MBSE), which will have include a special section

on principles for SE.
This section will have four presenters, namely David Long (INCOSE past president, who championed the introduction of MBSE) to give context, David Roussseau on three Scientific General Systems Principles coming from the GSTD program, Mike Watson (Chair of the INCOSE Complex Systems Working Group and Director of the NASA Systems Engineering Research Consortium) presenting 7 Postulates, 12 Principles, and 4 Hypotheses for elegant system design, produced as a result of a 7 year NASA SERC project, and Donna Rhodes (INCOSE past president (2000), Senior Lecturer and a Principal Research Scientist in the Engineering Systems Division at Massachusetts Institute of Technology) on a group of 6 of Heuristics about Human-Model Interactions resulting from her research at MIT.

On Sunday the 21st January 2018 Rousseau will be giving a PLENARY LECTURE
in the morning town hall session.

The theme of the town hall presentations will be “Cultural Change” and his talk will be on
“Scientific Systems Principles: Motivating a Culture Change for Systems Engineers”.

Following the town hall meeting he will be leading a 7 HOUR WORKSHOP
for the rest of Sunday, on the subject of “Scientific systems principles for SE practice”. 

Co-presenters will be Gary Smith, Javier Calvo-Amodio, Jennifer Wilby and Julie Billingham.

The workshop will be in five sections, as follows:
1. The evolution, variety and uses of scientific systems principles (DR)
2. Principles for system conceptualization, architecture, design and realization (GS)
3. Scientific systems principles for engineering management (JCM)
4. Principles for systems thinking and organizational design (JW and JB)
5. Principles for modelling and comparing systemic worldviews (DR)

On Monday the 22nd David Rousseau will be leading a 1-2 HOUR WORKSHOP
on “A Systemology Primer”,
laying the groundwork for a community project to develop a Resources Catalogue about Systemology, organized around the structure of the Systemology Architecture developed in the GSTD program.


For further information about the meeting INCOSE IW18 please click here!