We kindly invite you to join us at the Disruptive Innovation Festival on November 15th in Vienna

The BCSSS is co-host of one event of the Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF). We kindly invite you, together with the Circular Economy Club Vienna, to join us on November 15th from 6 pm to 9 pm. The DIF event will take place at the Certible Premises in Löwelstraße 20, in 1010 Vienna. 

Karina Huber-Heim, leader of the BCSSS Research Group on Circular Economy Systems will contribute to this special event as a panelist.

This event will enable you to view the DIF Festival organized by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and expand your knowledge around what circularity really means and the circular initiatives taking place globally. It is also an opportunity to socialise with other circular economy professionals in Vienna and brainstorm future projects.

DIF Film Highlight

System Reset’ – Shot in London, Amsterdam and Barcelona. System Reset features some of the leading thinkers in materials, economics, the commons movement, FabLabs, digital citizenship, urban planning and architecture to collectively weave a picture of how our economy could operate.

After viewing the film, we will be holding a roundtable discussion, with a strong emphasis on audience participation

What is the Disruptive Innovation Festival?
The Disruptive Innovation Festival is a part of a global event series lasting from November 12th to November 18th. The Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF) is an online platform which aims to shift mindsets and inspire action towards a circular economy. It invites people to share disruptive ideas and stories on a number of topics and attracts a worldwide audience, sparking critical conversations and participation through a combination of live interviews, films, and podcasts.

For further information please visit the CEC-website.

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