Together with BCSSS board member Thomas Wallner, BCSSS managing director Stefan Blachfellner was an invited speaker to the Magna Logistics Days 2019 in Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz, Austria, on October 15-16. The Magna Logistics Days are used by exhibitors from all over Europe in the areas of Transport & Logistics Service Solutions, Modern Planning Methods, Warehouse Equipment, Software Solutions and Packaging and offers a unique opportunity to present on an international level, to build new relationships and to generate synergies.

In the panel discussion together with managers from Supply Chain Management TS Magna Powertrain, Key Account Sales Cargo-Partner GmbH, Talent Management Magna International Europe GmbH, and Global Automotive Macro Plastics, they have been invited to contribute an outlook to future developments in data-driven technologies and their social impacts on markets and business models, as well as on the socio-technological impacts for supply chain buinesses themselves, from organisational structures to human ressource challenges in an increased complex global economy.

Stefan Blachfellner highlighted the opportunities of circular economy systems as an innovation driver for the supply chain sector.