Stefan Blachfellner introduces the Systemic View on Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Cargo Ships

BCSSS Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner took part in a new webinar series hosted by respACT, the Austrian business council for sustainable development and the UN Global Compact Network Austria, as guest lecturer. On the 22nd of April the first edition of the “Systemic Challenges in the Supply Chain” concerned itself with the impact that the global linear supply chain is having on the environment, enterprises and the economic system. The event, which took place online, also looked at supply chain resilience and its management in times of crisis.

As the first guest speaker, Stefan Blachfellner focused his talk on how policy regimes can foster innovation by reconceptualizing the supply chain as a value network and ecosystem. He highlighted how such an approach to supply/value chain governance is essential to the establishment of a green economy as stipulated in the European Green Deal. Tanja Reilly, Business Development Manager at EcoVadi, elaborated on how Covid-19 can be a catalyst for a change towards a more sustainable supply chain through the incorporation of ESG indicators into management decision making. Building on this, Helmut Haberleitner, the global procurement director of Greiner Packaging, explained how his company is implementing sustainability and resilience measures in its global supply chain, checking their progress using the EcoVadi ESG ratings.

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