Business Process Management meets Common Good Economy
The BCSSS research group “Emergent systems, information and society” invites to join the following Workshop at the S-BPM ONE 2018, the 10th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management on April 5-6, 2018 at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria:
Towards Common Process Understanding in Collective Welfare
Although collective welfare and the development of common goods are well shared concepts, role-specific behavior descriptions could be used to explain more accurately underlying systems and development processes. Respective representations could enclose theories like complex adaptive systems, emergence or evolutionary dynamics, as we can take some concepts from information and social sciences for deriving in-depth understanding of the behavior of involved entities. Also, we could understand societal development like a System-of-Systems in where its stakeholders strive for a common welfare and the equilibrium of the system of which they are members.
We are interested in fundamental issues, such as
- Will all the members of a collective welfare system need to behave in a way in which its maximum payoff is the equilibrium of the system, and in some sense a ‘standardized’ pattern?
- Do they act as a whole besides individuals like they obey a rule in where they prefer to work for the welfare of the collective besides the individual welfare?
- What type of behavior does a ‘globalization’ or networking process have to have to allow for designing and envisioning common systems in terms of offerings, currencies, work, finding their ‘equilibrium’?
- Ethical machines, machine ethics, or common moral grounds?
We aim bringing together practitioners and researchers from systems, information, and social science with process engineers, as these communities could attract novel research and practice at the intersection of the mentioned areas. Of particular importance are theories and concepts underpinning modeling and emergence of processes in complex adaptive socio-technical systems.
You are welcome to participate in the discussion. If you like to present, papers are due before January 8, 2018. For more information see
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