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Author: Stefan Blachfellner

IS4IS President Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic talks in Vienna.

In October Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Professor of Computer Science in Chalmers, Gothenburg and Mälardalen, current IS4IS President and member of the BCSSS Research Group “Emergent Systems, Information and Society”, visited Vienna to give a talk on „A Taxonomy of Computation and Information Architecture“ at the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and another…

The BCSSS Lecture Series in „Systems Science and Medicine“ continues with Evolutionary Medicine and Systemic Holistic Medicine

We cordially invite you to join the next event of the BCSSS lecture series „Systems Science and Medicine“: Prof. Dr. Detlev Ganten, Charité Berlin presents on Thursday, November 19th 2015, 6pm his findings on Evolutionäre Medizin und systemische ganzheitliche Medizin (lecture in German), Hörsaal Institut f. Hygiene, Medizinische Universität, Kinderspitalgasse…

Theoria cum praxi et bonum commune (Leibniz): System theory, informatics and a wise society for all

Rathaus Tiergarten, Berlin-Moabit (photo: Wikimedia Commons) The Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e.V. (LS) invites the group “Emergent Systems, Information and Society” to present itself at a one-day colloquium of their two classes (Natur- und Technikwissenschaften; Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften). The group is a joint endeavour of the Arbeitskreis of the LS, the Research…

“Transdisciplinary Systems Research”. Two new PhD projects under the supervision of BCSSS board members.

BCSSS President Wolfgang Hofkirchner is supervisor of two new Phd students resarching on “Transdisciplinary Systems Research”. Markus Arzberger is working on “Sustainable Development and Behaviour Change”. In Summer Arzberger already joined the BCSSS to the annual conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS 2015) in Berlin, in…