The BCSSS Lecture Series in Systems Science and Medicine continues with Managing Healthcare Systems
Since the beginning of this year we are organizing a lecture series at Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS, 1040 Vienna, Paulanerg. 13) on the contribution of Systems Science to the understanding of disease in the sense of the emerging “Systems Medicine”. The talks are aimed at…
“Transforming Systems through Design” marked the cornerstone for a new research group at the BCSSS
On June 6th 2015 the newly established Research Group on Socio-Ecological Systems and Design led by Stefan Blachfellner at the BCSSS contributed to the International Society for Information Studies Summit at the Technological University in Vienna with a track and workshop on Transforming Systems through Design. The workshop was held…
Call for Papers and Participation ISSS 2015 Special Integration Group on Socio-Ecological Systems
We are excited at the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science to share the latest news. Our Call for Papers and Participation for the upcoming 59th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences held in Berlin, Germany, August 2 – 7, 2015. Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director…
Invitation to join the Webinar on “Systems Philosophy and its Relevance to Systems Engineering”
The BCSSS is pleased to announce this unique opportunity which originates from our collaboration with the International Council on Systems Engineering and invites you to join the INCOSE Webinar 76 – Systems Philosophy and its Relevance to SE on Wednesday 6 May 2015, 11:00am EDT, USA / 5:00pm CEST, Austria…
BCSSS Lecture Series “Systems Science and Medicine”: Diseases in the human interactome
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science heartly welcomes Dr. Jörg Menche on Friday, April 24th 2015 at 2pm, Paulanergasse 13/5, 1040 Vienna, Austria, with his contribution “Diseases in the human interactome” to the BCSSS Lecture Series on Systems Science and Medicine. Dr. Menche is a postdoctoral fellow…
BCSSS Lecture Series “Systems Science and Medicine”
Systems science applications in medicine are known since the 1950s when Ludwig von Bertalanffy was founding his general theory of living systems. At present, by new technological and formal methods in modern biology and medicine this perspective gets new support. The emerging field of Systems Medicine aims at a systemic…
PhD Scholar from China to visit the BCSSS, 2014 till 2016
Another PhD scholar will join our team from autumn onwards. Her name is Lin Bi. She works on a dissertation thesis about the interplay of Information Technology and Information Society. Her supervisor is philosopher of information, Kun Wu. Wu is professor at the Xi’an Jiaotong University. He heads the International Center for…
Social scientists discuss norms and values in today’s society
The ten members expert group at Margaret Archer’s Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) met for the fourth time to discuss problems of so-called “social morphogenesis”. This time the meeting was scheduled for the first week of January at the Cardiff Business School which is part of Cardiff University in Wales….
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