Manfred Drack über Ursprünge und Schwierigkeiten der Systems Biology

Manfred Drack is invited to give a talk at the Arbeitskreis Information Studies of the Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft about problems of systems biology. In particular, he will discuss the system conception of Paul Weiss (see here).

Title: „Systemdenken bei Paul A. Weiss“ (in German)

Venue: Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Room C1, 2nd Floor, Dampfschiffstraße 4, 1030 Vienna

Schedule: Tuesday, 25 September 2012, 4:15 p.m.

Manfred Drack is working at the Department of Theoretical Biology (University of Vienna) on the project „Systems in biology – how can earlier theoretical approaches contribute to current versions of systems biology?“ (see here).

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