León 2013 | Advanced Training Course | University in the face of a complex world

On 15 May 2013, the School of Education of the University of León, Spain, held a training course for faculty members interested in transgressing their disciplines. Research and teaching strategies for confronting complexity were discussed, in particular, the role of systems theory as transdisciplinary methodology for the integration of sciences. From the BCSSS José María Díaz Nafría and Wolfgang Hofkirchner participated in the round table.

The Round Table from the right: Francisco Salto Alemany (ULE), Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic (Mälardalen University, Sweden), José María Díaz Nafría (Munich University of Applied Sciences), Enrique Díez Gutiérrez (ULE), and Wolfgang Hofkirchner (BCSSS)

Link to the video and the presentation of Wolfgang Hofkirchner: „Transdisciplinarity by complexity thinking“

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