Thomas Bugnyar präsentiert „Die Politik von Raben“ am BCSSS
On 11 December 2015, at 16:15, the Bertalanffy Center, Paulanergasse 13, 1040 Vienna, hosts the Austrian Computer Society Information Studies Working Group with a talk by Thomas Bugnyar. He is Professor for Cognitive Ethology and head of the Department for Cognitive Biology at the Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Vienna.
He is an expert in animal social cognition. So he deals with conflict management in corvids. In a recent publication in Current Biology he and co-authors report findings such as: ravens regularly engage in risky interventions in others’ affiliative encounters; strongly bonded birds are more likely to intervene in affiliative interactions; interventions almost exclusively target pairs that attempt to form new bonds; ravens may prevent others from forming alliances and becoming future competitors.
You are kindly invited to take part. The end of the event is planned for 17:45. The talk and discussion will be in German.
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