Call for Proposals! 10th Congress of the European Union for Systemics 2018

EUS – UES 2018

A Systemic Vision of the Crises
From optimization to change strategy?

10th Congress of the European Union for Systemics

15th to 17th October 2018
Brussels, Belgium

Although raised many times on other congresses, the theme of crisis is still not depleted. Indeed, questions related to visible effects of crises emerge in all human activities (economy, politics, culture, education, security, architecture…). A lot of measures urgently correct the visible symptoms of problems without trying to understand the underlying logics linked to them. Yet, crisis is a multidimensional societal phenomenon that cannot be reduced to immediate consequences.

More than ever, a system-based approach of the process through which crisis – in its various forms – emerges is essential in order to act with full awareness of the interdependence of the phenomena under study. The systems thinking approach helps the agent understanding that tackling the crisis phenomenon is not only researching the optimization of the process. The change required is of structural nature.

The objective of the 10th congress of the European Union for Systemics (EUS) is to develop a systemic representation of the processes inherent to crises during interdisciplinary meetings, combined with a trans-disciplinary vision. This systemic representation will provide theoretic, methodological and practical tools applicable to specific cases of systems in crisis. All these resources will help the agent taking relevant actions for the benefit of a society willing to reach a high level of sustainability for future generations.

Sessions & Workshops

The sessions and workshops establish a shared thematic understanding that promotes cross-disciplinary collaborations. They offer participants the opportunity to exchange ideas on different themes, present results, and they also give the opportunity to share experiences, identify issues and / or explore future directions for research and practice.

Dead Line: 31th December 2017

For further information please click here!

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