Economy in Transition – Rethinking Society for the 21st Century

Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, was one of the invited international and national Experts in the Think Tank Symposium „Economy in Transition. The Economics of 2030 and Beyond“ from 22nd – 23rd June 2017 in Vienna.

The meeting was organized by the Council for a Progressive Economy, Rethinking Society for 21st Century, the Association of Austrian Trade Union Education (VÖGB) and the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI), to deliberate a future course for the European industrial and labor markets in a formative „New World Economy“.

The Symposium marked the 50th year Anniversary of a notable Resolution – „The Triple Revolution“-minding what in 1964 was deemed foreseeable consequence for society from future advances of „Cybernation“ technology. A half century later the consequences are more evident.

Four subjects were set to be discussed by panels:

Stefan Blachfellner
© OEGB/Reimer


Think Tank Symposium
© OEGB/Reimer

The published „Resolution“ which stems from the meeting was produced in partnership with the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, the central bank of the Republic of Austria (OeNB), the Public Employment Servic Austria (AMS), the European Commission in Austria, and the Vienna Biennale 2017: Robots. Work. Our Future at the MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art.

Jeffrey Sachs writes in his forword: „The message of the Council is that the advancing age of autonomous production can be highly beneficial for society – but only with public policies that anticipate wisely in its development. There is nothing inevitable about society´s successful adjustment in an era of deep and transforming technological changes. (…) The Council performs a vital public service in offering the public and policy makers a highly perspective, deeply informed, and ethically based Resolution for our times.“

To download the Draft Resolution: Economy in Transition, please visit the Online Library of the Council.

To watch videos and selected pictures of the days, please visit the Media page.

UPDATE: We received an Update on January 16, 2018.
Please download the Official Resolution January 16 Economy in Transition. here.

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