Lecture and Discussion with Cadell Last on Global Brain Singularity: Universal history, future evolution and humanity’s dialectical horizon
On September 25th close to thirty people, at the BCSSS and in the online live webcast, attended Cadell Last’s lecture on his PhD thesis, his “life time project”, which he presented for the very first time in a public event.
Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, welcomed the large number of attendees and introduced Cadell with a look back on how the BCSSS and Cadell met. This summer two representatives of the BCSSS participated at the First Summer School of Thinking by the Montparnasse Initiative, where the connection between the young philosopher and the BCSSS started.
Cadell came to Vienna to present some core ideas from the first three sections of his PhD Thesis titled “Global Brain Singularity: Universal History, Future Evolution and Humanity’s Dialectical Horizon”.
He presented three foci of his work and his thesis, 1) What is the world?; 2) Consequences of human actions in the world; and 3) All humans and technological interaction.
With his dissertation Cadell attempts to approach an understanding of what he calls global brain singularity, which is conceived of as a future metasystem transition mediated by psychosocial and technological mechanisms towards a higher qualitative level of existence.
Cadell is a PhD candidate at the Global Brain Institute at Vrije Universiteit Brussels and gives full access to his dissertation online. A video of the full lecture he hold in Vienna is also available online.
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