Alexander Laszlo at the “Educating our Future”-Conference
Alexander Laszlo, President of the BCSSS, was intensively involved with the “Educating our Future”-conference, which took place on 24th of September 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conference was held under the banner “For the Development of our highest Human Capacities” and has been organized by VivirAgradecidos (freely interpreted as LiveGrateful), a foundation which aims to help people and institutions to gain a more conscious life through experiences full trust in life itself and by Metta Aprendizaje (freely translated as Metta Learning), an initiative which, through neuroscience, wants to promote an education that provides individuals to live with the highest human capacities on a daily basis. Alexander was a speaker at the conference and gave a talk on “Learning Ecosystems” together with Pavel Luksha.
One of the outcomes of the conference is a documentary on Future Education and the formation of an Evolutionary Learning Ecosystem (ELE) with a strong and differentiated hub in Argentina and connections to other similar Learning Labs around the world. Alexander and Pavel now work on setting the stage for a collaborative venture as an organically emerging affinity group of intrepid „Edunauts” — exploring New Paradigm Education by first and foremost seeking to „be the systems we want to see in the world.“
Further Links
Landmark Report on Educational Ecosystems for Societal Transformation
Video of Alexander and Pavel’s session (in Spanish)
Full Video of the “Educating our Future”-conference (in Spanish)
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