BCSSS participates at the conference „Berliner November 2007“ (7.-10.11.2007)

The „Berliner November“ is organized by, the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kybernetik (GFK), the Leibniz-Sozietät, and the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information (GPI) and takes place in Berlin from Wednesday 7.11. to Saturday 10.11.2007. Venue on Wednesday and Thursday is the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in room 21.03 of the main building Unter den Linden. On Friday and Saturday the conference venue is the Clubhaus der Freien Universität – Berlin Goethestr. 49, 14163 Berlin-Zehlendorf. The session on „Cybernetics, evolutionary system theory and dialectics“ is co-organized together with the Ernst-Bloch-Gesellschaft and the BCSSS.

Peter Fleissner presents two papers, one on a political-economic assessment of the contemporary information society and one on „New Perspectives of the Labour Theory of Value“.

For further information please see the programme or contact Wolfgang Hofkirchner.