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Autor: Stefan Blachfellner

Systemicum 2018 in Vienna – Systems Thinking 3.0 – time travel to the pioneers of Systemic Consulting

On 4th of October 2018 Stefan Blachfellner, BCSSS Managing Director, followed a personal invitation by the trainconsulting directors, who for the organisations 30th anniversary organized the Systemicum 2018. The Systemicum gathered executives, advisors and stakeholders for systemic thinking, in order to get familiar with the systemic consulting landscape of Vienna…

Lecture and Discussion with Cadell Last on Global Brain Singularity: Universal history, future evolution and humanity’s dialectical horizon

On September 25th close to thirty people, at the BCSSS and in the online live webcast, attended Cadell Last’s lecture on his PhD thesis, his “life time project”, which he presented for the very first time in a public event. Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, welcomed the large…

New Paradigm Research: Webcast and publications by and with Alexander Laszlo

The President of the BCSSS, Alexander Laszlo has been active throughout fall and published several papers as a co-author, including “The Polarization Effect: Healing our Worldviews” and “Attracting our Future into Being: The Syntony Quest” — both in World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research together with Anneloes Smitsman. Alexander, furthermore, participated in a…

Alexander Laszlo at the “Educating our Future”-Conference

Alexander Laszlo, President of the BCSSS, was intensively involved with the “Educating our Future”-conference, which took place on 24th of September 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conference was held under the banner “For the Development of our highest Human Capacities” and has been organized by VivirAgradecidos (freely interpreted as…

Origin meets Future Development – Systems Thinking at the 60th Anniversary of the Operational Research Society

BCSSS Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner followed BCSSS Scientific Advisory Board Member Gerald Midgley’s invitation and attended the 60th anniversary (#OR60) of the founding of the Operational Research Society (OR), from 11th to 13th September 2018 at Lancaster University, in UK. Operational Research and Systems Science. OR and Systems Science are…