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Über Emergenz

The Bertalanffy Center is co-organiser of a scientific event on the „Metaphysics of Emergence“, dedicated to philosophical foundations between the poles of sciences and arts. That event will be held from 6 to 8 June, 2013, in Ludwigshafen, Germany, in memory of Jan Robert Bloch. It is a co-operation with the Institut für Design…

Franz Pichler zum BCSSS Ehrenmitglied ernannt

Franz Pichler, Prof. emeritus, was recently nominated as Honorary Member of the Bertalanffy Center. Educated as mathematician, in 1972 he was appointed Professor of Systems Theory at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. He is known for applying systems theory to information technology. Two times he was Visiting Professor for General Systems Theory at the…

Gabriele Bammer: Eine neue Disziplin für „Integration and Implementation Sciences“?

On 14 June Professor Gabriele Bammer is visiting our Center. She will give a talk with the title: „The Challenges of Integration and Implementation in Systems Approaches to Complex Problems. Would a New Discipline Help?“ For Integration and Implementation Sciences click here: http://i2s.anu.edu.au/. Gabriele Bammer (photo: http://epress.anu.edu.au/author/gabriele-bammer) Gabriele Bammer is Director of…