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7th European Conference on Computing and Philosophy

Talk by Wolfgang Hofkirchner Wolfgang Hofkirchner took part in the 7th European Conference on Computing and Philosophy (ECAP09), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. He gave a talk on „Ontology of information“ in the track on Biocomputing, Evolutionary and Complex Systems chaired by Gordana Dodig‐Crnkovic and Søren Brier. He discussed Søren Brier’s…

Presentation at the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Sociocybernetics

by Wolfgang Hofkirchner Wolfgang Hofkirchner gave a presentation at the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Sociocybernetics annual meeting. The 9th Conference on Sociocybernetics was titled „Modernity 2.0 – Emerging Social Media Technologies and their impacts“ and held in Urbino. Hofkirchner presented a paper on how the system theoretical perspective…

BCSSS book series started

Volume 1 now available The BCSSS book series was launched with volume one: The biography „The Dialectical Tragedy of the Concept of Wholeness: Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s Biography Revisited“ written by David Pouvreau is now available in print and electronically at ISCE Publishing.