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Search Results for "Helene Finidori"

Strong Participation of the BCSSS at the #ISSS2018 – 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Science

The BCSSS was strongly represented at the #ISSS2018 – 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Science, which took place at the College of Engineering of the Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, United States from 22nd to 27th of July 2018. David Rousseau, the current President…

“Systems Thinking” at the First Summer School of Thinking by the Montparnasse Initiative

Stefan Blachfellner represented the BCSSS together with Helene Finidori at the first summer school program by the Montparnasse Initiative – School of Thinking, which was hosted by the Center for Research and Interdisciplinary (CRI) in Paris, France from 12th to 18th July 2018. The summer school focussed on the exploration…

Systems Science and Pattern Literacy

Systems Science and Pattern Literacy Forschungsgruppe Die Mission der Forschungsgruppe Systems Science and Pattern Literacy ist die Entwicklung von Systemen zur Förderung von Pattern Literacy. Wir verstehen Pattern Literacy als die Fähigkeit, Muster als sich wiederholende Strukturen zur Bewältigung von Komplexität zu erkennen, zu mobilisieren und wiederzuverwenden. Wir glauben, dass...