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Search Results for "circular"

On the way to the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper – Catalysing a Just Transition to a One Planet Economy

On Monday, 10th of December, Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, was invited to attend the first follow-up event by the Austrian Umweltdachverband (UWD, Environmental Umbrella Organisation) and the Europen Environment Bureau (EEB): Presentation and discussion of the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper. The 8UAP Action Paper is…

The BCSSS co-hosted the Disruptive Innovation Festival 2018

The BCSSS co-hosted, together with the Circular Economy Club Vienna (CEC), the Disruptive Innovation Festival 2018 (DIF) in Vienna. The DIF is the world’s largest online festival of ideas, organized by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. It is part of a global initiative, where events are taking place at different spots throughout…

Shaping the Future of the EU Environmental Policy: Expert Workshop hosted by the Austrian Umweltdachverband

BCSSS Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner attended the event “Expert Workshops – Shaping the Future of EU Environmental Policy: From the 7th to the 8th Environment Action Programme”, hosted by the Austrian Umweltdachverband (UWD, Environmental Umbrella Organisation) and the Europen Environment Bureau (EEB) on October 23rd, 2018 in Hainburg, Austria. Systemic…

Socio-ecological Systems and Design

Socio-ecological Systems and Design Forschungsgruppe Die Forschungsgruppe Socio-Ecological Systems und Design untersucht die Interdependenzen natürlicher – sozialer – technologischer Systeme, um entsprechende Gestaltungskompetenzen für zukunftsorientierte, lebendige Ecologies zu entwickeln. Wir arbeiten an der Schnittstelle von Naturwissenschaft – Geisteswissenschaft – Ingenieurwesen/Design. Biologen, Ökonomen, Ingenieure, Architekten, Designer, Sozialwissenschaftler und Philosophen sind eingeladen,...

Systems Science and Philosophy

Systems Science and Philosophy Forschungsgruppe In Zusammenarbeit mit der Systems Science Working Group des International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), dem Centre for Systems Philosophy und der Hull University Business School beabsichtigt die Forschungsgruppe Systems Science and Philosophy, die philosophischen Grundlagen von Systems Science und Systems Engineering (SE) zu erforschen...