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May 30th 2017. Book Launch! Social Morphogenesis: Five Years of Inquiring Into Social Change

We are pleased to announce the presentation of the Springer book series „Social Morphogenesis“ on May 30th 2017 at the the British Library in London. The Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) carried out five workshops of experts from different fields in a yearly interval, starting in January 2012 and ending…

New Publication on Ludwig von Bertalanffy and the Viennese Zoology

The Vienna University Press published a new book entitled „Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität – Disziplinengeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik“ within which the co-authors BCSSS Vize President Gerd Müller and Hans Nemeschkal , both members of the Department of Theoretical Biology, University Vienna, present Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the historical…

„General Systemology“

David Pouvreau and Manfred Drack wrote an article with the title: On the history of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s „General Systemology“, and on its relationship to cybernetics. Part I: elements on the origins and genesis of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s „General Systemology“ It is available online. Click here.

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Systema Journal

Von 2012 bis 2019 veröffentlichen wir eine Open-Access-Online-Zeitschrift, Systema: Connecting matter, life, culture and technology. Wir sind dabei, diese Zeitschrift zu archivieren, um sie wieder zugänglich zu machen.