Wissenschaft trifft Kunst – eine Konvergenz, Phantasie und neue Perspektiven auf eine Geschichte und ihre Zukunft
Das Künstlerduo MUELLER-DIVJAK zeigt derzeit eine Ausstellung mit dem Titel „77.000 GENERATIONS – Berta says: We need to find a new conception of man„. Für diese Veranstaltung und für eine neue Generation der systemwissenschaftlichen Kommunikation entwarfen BCSSS-Vorstandsmitglied Jeanette Müller und BCSSS-Mitglied Paul Divjak eine neue Konzeption der Person und des…
New lecture series by BCSSS visiting scholar Cadell Last on ‚Systems Science and Subjectivity‘
Cadell Last, a philosopher and host of the School of Thinking at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium worked with the Bertalanffy Center for an extended period of time in 2019 as one of the first early career researchers the Center intends to support with its Next Generation Program. He…
Philosopher Cadell Last researches human evolution and the role of subjective problematics in the anthropocene
Cadell Last, a philosopher and host of the School of Thinking at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium worked with the Bertalanffy Center for an extended period of time in 2019 as one of the first early career researchers the Center intends to support with its Next Generation Program. He…
Stefan Blachfellner invited to exclusive IASCYS meeting along side several key figures in systems research
On May 10, BCSSS managing director Stefan Blachfellner was called to Beijing, PR China as part of a select audience, among others the presidents of the World Organization for Cybernetics (WOSC) and the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR), invited by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Mathematics and…
Stefan Blachfellner appointed as International Advisory Board Member for the Routledge Handbook of Systems Thinking
The editors of the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Systems Thinking invited Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, to join the International Advisory Board. The Handbook of Systems Thinking will contain new chapters on all of the major approaches to systems thinking applied…
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