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Schlagwort: general systemology

Helene Finidori präsentierte Pattern Literacy in Support of Systems Capability auf der INCOSE IW2020

25 – 28 Januar 2020 Torrance, Kalifornien, USA Annual INCOSE International Workshop 2020 Im Rahmen der International Council on Systems Engineering Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) nahm Helene Finidori, Leiterin der BCSSS-Forschungsgruppe Systems Science and Pattern Literacy, an der IW2020 teil und hielt einen Vortrag über ihre Arbeit einschließlich der…

„Systems Science and Philosophy“ Research Group Member David Rousseau visits Tokyo

In March 2016 Research Group Member David Rousseau was invited by the Tokyo Institute of Technology to present the latest research results of the BCSSS Research Group „Systems Science and Philosophy“ in the framework of the 9th International Systems Sciences Symposium: Translational Systems Science, organized by the Center for Agent-based…

„General Systemology“

David Pouvreau and Manfred Drack wrote an article with the title: On the history of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s „General Systemology“, and on its relationship to cybernetics. Part I: elements on the origins and genesis of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s „General Systemology“ It is available online. Click here.