Förderung der Systemperspektive auf dem circle-17 Sustainable Startup Event
Am 27. Februar fand ein circle-17 Matchmaking-Event statt, zu dem BCSSS-Geschäftsführer Stefan Blachfellner eingeladen war. circle-17 ist eine von respACT und AustrianStartUps gestartete Initiative, die Unternehmen, NPOs und Startups dabei unterstützt, Lösungen für drängende Nachhaltigkeitsherausforderungen zu entwickeln. Bei dieser Veranstaltung ging es insbesondere um innovative Startups, die Partner für die…
Aufruf zum Mitmachen! Special Design Award für ‚Action on Climate Change‘ von IIID & BCSSS
Aufruf zum Mitmachen! Special Design Award ‚Action on Climate Change‘ Der IIID Awardist eine großartige Würdigung dessen, was Informationsdesigner zur Gesellschaft beitragen. Sie wenden Kreativität und Design Thinking an, um komplexe Kommunikationsprobleme zu lösen und um jeden Aspekt des menschlichen Lebens zu verbessern. Im Rahmen des IIID Award 2020 hat…
Save the dates! ISSS 2020, Süd Afrika
Save the dates für Ihre Teilnahme an der International Society for the Systems Sciences 64th Annual Meeting! 11 – 14 July 2020 Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch (nahe Cape Town), Süd Afrika. Systemic Change towards Sustainable Development: Innovative and Integrative Approaches Weitere detaillierte Informationen werden in Kürze unter http://isss.org/world/ISSS_2020 veröffentlicht. …
Winners of the Austrian National Award for Design show great promise for a sustainable future
On 25th of september 2019, the Austrian National Award for Design (Staatspreis Design) was awarded by the Austrian Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs organized by our partners designaustria. BCSSS managing director Stefan Blachfellner and program manager Angelika Schanda were invited to attend the ceremony and to discover some of…
BCSSS goes ‚Out of the Box‘ – Celebrating 40 years Ars Electronica in Linz
Ars Electronica is an internationally renowed Austrian institution connecting the arts, technology, science and society. On 5th of September, BCSSS managing director Stefan Blachfellner and BCSSS program manager Angelika Schanda were invited to visit the festivities in Linz, Austria. The birthday party was followed by this year’s festival with the…
BCSSS board member Jeanette Müller brings art and science together in her innovative program WISSENS°KUNST
Curiosity, creativity, the courage to switch perspectives and thinking outside the box: Art and science have much in common. The interaction between the two spheres can be beneficial for scientists and artists alike. This is why BCSSS board member Jeanette Müller, in cooperation with the association ScienceCenter Netzwerk, presents her…
BCSSS and ARS ELECTRONICA 2017. A Valuable Exchange!
Following the cooperation with the Ars Electronica in the framework of this year’s 61st ISSS World Conference ISSS2017 Vienna the BCSSS would like to express its gratitude again for this exciting collaboration and wishes to congratulate Gerfried Stocker, the artistic director of the Ars Electronica, and his team on the…
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- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: Eine Plattform für alle Treiber und Gestalter von Innovation und dem Energiesystem der Zukunft