Enrique G. Herrscher. In Erinnerung an einen großartigen Denker!
Zu Beginn dieses Jahres erreichte uns die traurige Nachricht vom Ableben unseres geschätzten Kollegen Prof. Enrique G. Herrscher. Er verstarb friedlich in seinem Haus in Buenos Aires, Argentinien, am 30. Dezember 2019, zehn Tage nachdem er am 20. Dezember seinen 90. Geburtstag gefeiert hatte. „Er war einer meiner ersten Mentoren,…
Call for papers! International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2020, Norwegen
Die System Dynamics Society ruft Sie auf zur Teilnahme an der 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 19 – 23 Juli 2020 Bergen, Norwegen „Hindsight in 2020“: learning from the past to inspire the future. Die 38. internationale Konferenz der System Dynamics Society wird das 20-jährige Jubiläum der…
Bridging the fields of Systems Science and Cybernetics in North America
During a tour of six weeks and visiting six cities, Angelika Schanda attended three major conferences on Systems Science and Cybernetics. As Program Manager at the BCSSS, Schanda made it her mission to connect the often dispersed communities and groups related to these fields. Toward that end, she traveled across…
Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy – 2018 Activity Report
The Group’s Objectives and Organization The BCSSS Research Group System Science and Pattern Literacy was launched in October 2017 by Maria Lenzi and Helene Finidori to bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields interested in the connection between patterns and systems. Our research is dedicated to the development of socio-technical…
Mapping the Landscape of Patterns Across Domains – Vol. 2: Linguistic and Semantic Analysis
This is the second set of results from the Survey Mapping the Landscape of Patterns across Domains initiated by the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy in early 2018. Our intention here was to extract linguistic and semantic regularities from the survey answers where respondents defined patterns in…
90 – Back & Forth! designaustria’s 90th jubilee connects with the Systems Science
In the framework of the 90th anniversary of designaustria at the designforum, MuseumsQuartier Vienna, on 1st December 2017, Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, was invited to moderate and bridge the perspectives of Christian Maryška, author and curator at the Austrian National…
Shared insights of Ecosystemic Perspectives, Neuroscience and Psychology – A critical meeting of the BCSSS Research Group „Systems Medicine and Healthcare Systems“
Prof. Dr.Dr.Dr. Felix Tretter, leader of the BCSSS Research Group „Systems Medicine and Healthcare Systems“, invited to two meetings on the subject of „Ecosystemic Perspectives in Psychology“. On two days in November 2017 the group discussed from an (Eco)Systemic point of view various disciplines of Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology…
Systemic Design for Future Mobility at the IIID Traffic & Transport Forum 2017 in Linz, Austria
Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of the Systems Science, was an invited speaker at the IIID Traffic & Transport Forum in Linz, Austria, 23 – 24 November 2017, organized by the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP)….
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Aktuelle News
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- Mission Innovation Austria 2021: Eine Plattform für alle Treiber und Gestalter von Innovation und dem Energiesystem der Zukunft