BCSSS Online Konferenz ‚Homo Digitalis und die Conditio Humana‘
Homo Digitalis und die CONDITIO HUMANA: Mensch und Menschenbild im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung BCSSS Online Konferenz 19th March 2020 Felix Tretter und Stefan Blachfellner von der BCSSS waren für die Organisation dieser Veranstaltung verantwortlich, die ursprünglich als Direkttreffen geplant war. Dieses Format musste aufgrund der Corona-Krise abgesagt werden und konnte…
Helene Finidori präsentierte Pattern Literacy in Support of Systems Capability auf der INCOSE IW2020
25 – 28 Januar 2020 Torrance, Kalifornien, USA Annual INCOSE International Workshop 2020 Im Rahmen der International Council on Systems Engineering Systems Science Working Group (SSWG) nahm Helene Finidori, Leiterin der BCSSS-Forschungsgruppe Systems Science and Pattern Literacy, an der IW2020 teil und hielt einen Vortrag über ihre Arbeit einschließlich der…
20th – 23rd January 2018. INCOSE International Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
INCOSE International Workshop Jacksonville, Florida, USA 20th – 23rd January 2018 Our higly valued Scientific Council member David Rousseau, leader of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy and Founder and Director of the Centre for Systems Philosophy in Surrey, UK, will be one of the contributors during this…
Shared insights of Ecosystemic Perspectives, Neuroscience and Psychology – A critical meeting of the BCSSS Research Group „Systems Medicine and Healthcare Systems“
Prof. Dr.Dr.Dr. Felix Tretter, leader of the BCSSS Research Group „Systems Medicine and Healthcare Systems“, invited to two meetings on the subject of „Ecosystemic Perspectives in Psychology“. On two days in November 2017 the group discussed from an (Eco)Systemic point of view various disciplines of Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology…
The Future Information Society. New Book release
„The accelerated technological development of the modern society is not accompanied by an equally rapid growth in scientific insight, let alone foresight, into the impact of technology on the levels of society other than that of technological organization. […] The public use of the notion of “information society” has been reduced…
Auftakt ISSS 2015 Konferenz in Berlin: Systems Philosophy und ihre Relevanz für Systems Engineering
On Sunday 2nd August 2015 the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Systems Science Working Group presented the one day pre-conference workshop on Systems Philosophy and its relevance to Systems Engineering in Berlin, led by Gary Smith (INCOSE). The workshop has been the second in a succesful series. The first…
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