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Schlagwort: management

Stefan Blachfellner präsentiert die systemische Sicht auf nachhaltiges Supply Chain Management

BCSSS-Geschäftsführer Stefan Blachfellner nahm als Gastreferent an einer neuen Webinarreihe von respACT, dem Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development und dem UN Global Compact Network Austria, teil. Die erste Ausgabe der „Systemic Challenges in the Supply Chain“ beschäftigte sich am 22. April mit den Auswirkungen der globalen linearen Supply Chain…

Call for papers! IRDO 2020, Maribor. Personal and Social Responsibility for Sustainable Future

Call for papers! 15th IRDO International Science and Business Conference 4 – 5 Juni 2020 Maribor, Slovenien Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und aktuelle Herausforderungen 2020: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE IRDO – Das Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Maribor lädt Wissenschaftler, Manager, Experten…

We welcome Angelika Schanda as new team member who sets out to build strong networks

Promoting cooperation between all sectors and disciplines & enhancing systems science and its practical application – this is the passion of our newest team member, Angelika Schanda. With this focus, she will support the BCSSS‘ role as an ambassador for system science. She takes over the baton from Marina Naomi…

BCSSS at the Keys2Security Event – Risk and Crisis Management as a Key for Security in Business

The Austrian research and know-how-transfer-platform Center for Risk- and Crises-Management (CRC) invited BCSSS Managing Director, Stefan Blachfellner, to the Keys2Security Event on “CRC as a key for Security in Business”, in October 22nd, 2018 in Vienna. Stefan joined the conference and debated, together with other stakeholders, on the influence of…