BCSSS Online Konferenz ‚Homo Digitalis und die Conditio Humana‘
Homo Digitalis und die CONDITIO HUMANA: Mensch und Menschenbild im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung BCSSS Online Konferenz 19th March 2020 Felix Tretter und Stefan Blachfellner von der BCSSS waren für die Organisation dieser Veranstaltung verantwortlich, die ursprünglich als Direkttreffen geplant war. Dieses Format musste aufgrund der Corona-Krise abgesagt werden und konnte…
BCSSS board member Jeanette Müller brings art and science together in her innovative program WISSENS°KUNST
Curiosity, creativity, the courage to switch perspectives and thinking outside the box: Art and science have much in common. The interaction between the two spheres can be beneficial for scientists and artists alike. This is why BCSSS board member Jeanette Müller, in cooperation with the association ScienceCenter Netzwerk, presents her…
Article on the Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities by BCSSS President Alexander Laszlo is now available online
Alexander Laszlo, BCSSS President, has, together with Ervin Laszlo published an article on “The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities”, in 2003. The full article is now availabe online. Summary. The article presents the systems sciences as a field of inquiry and discusses the way in which it…
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