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Schlagwort: systemic

Groundbreaking new apprenticeship program promotes systems science principles in practice

Building on a 2017 initiative by Ray Ison, BCSSS board member, IFSR president and professor at the Open University UK, in convening a meeting of employers from which emerged an employer-led Trailblazer Committee, the UK the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education has recently approved a new Master’s level apprenticeship…

We welcome Angelika Schanda as new team member who sets out to build strong networks

Promoting cooperation between all sectors and disciplines & enhancing systems science and its practical application – this is the passion of our newest team member, Angelika Schanda. With this focus, she will support the BCSSS‘ role as an ambassador for system science. She takes over the baton from Marina Naomi…

On the way to the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper – Catalysing a Just Transition to a One Planet Economy

On Monday, 10th of December, Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, was invited to attend the first follow-up event by the Austrian Umweltdachverband (UWD, Environmental Umbrella Organisation) and the Europen Environment Bureau (EEB): Presentation and discussion of the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper. The 8UAP Action Paper is…

BCSSS Vice-President Felix Tretter systemically re-envisions theoretical psychology at Günther Schiepek Symposium

Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Günter Schiepek, the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg organized a symposium on 8th and 9th of June on ‚Self organization – A paradigm for the humanities“. Schiepek is an accomplished researcher and head of the Institute for Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research. He had been…

20th – 23rd January 2018. INCOSE International Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida, USA

INCOSE International Workshop Jacksonville, Florida, USA 20th – 23rd January 2018 Our higly valued Scientific Council member David Rousseau, leader of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy and Founder and Director of the Centre for Systems Philosophy in Surrey, UK, will be one of the contributors during this…