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Schlagwort: Psychotherapy

Psychoanalysis from the Perspective of System Theory – Guest Lecture by Henriette Löffler-Statska

Henriette Löffler-Stastka visited BCSSS on June 28th, 2018 and gave a guest lecture on psychoanalysis from the perspective of system theory. The medical specialist works as Associate Professor for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy at the Medical University of Vienna since 2012. If you are interested in the advancements of Psychoanalysis and…

„Transdisciplinary Systems Research“. Two new PhD projects under the supervision of BCSSS board members.

BCSSS President Wolfgang Hofkirchner is supervisor of two new Phd students resarching on „Transdisciplinary Systems Research“. Markus Arzberger is working on „Sustainable Development and Behaviour Change“. In Summer Arzberger already joined the BCSSS to the annual conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS 2015) in Berlin, in…