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Gabriele Bammer: A new discipline for “Integration and Implementation Sciences”?

On 14 June Professor Gabriele Bammer is visiting our Center. She will give a talk with the title: “The Challenges of Integration and Implementation in Systems Approaches to Complex Problems. Would a New Discipline Help?” For Integration and Implementation Sciences click here: http://i2s.anu.edu.au/. Gabriele Bammer (photo: http://epress.anu.edu.au/author/gabriele-bammer) Gabriele Bammer is Director of…

The Morphogenetic Project and Self-Organisation

Margaret Archer, the Director of the Centre for Social Ontology at the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, is the leader of the so-called Morphogenetic project. The morphogenetic approach is a social theory attempt to understand change in society in the perspective of critical realism (follow that link: http://cdh.epfl.ch/page-37105-en.html). The usage of the term…

BCSSS Lectures “Uncommon Sense in Thinking Society”

Lectures by Michel Saint-Germain and Franz Hörmann’ The Bertalanffy Center invites to attend the 2 lectures: – Michel Saint-Germain, Professor emeritus, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa: “The result-oriented organisation: a critical look from a Bertalanffian perspective” (paper, presentation) – Franz Hörmann, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics,…

Wolfgang Hofkirchner invited to Oxford to talk about sustainability from the perspective of complexity

The Japanese Uehiro Foundation and the Oxford Uehiro Centre invited Hofkirchner to the 2010 Uehiro/Carnegie/Oxford Conference on Information Ethics: Future of Humanities. He is going to speak about “Sustainability and self-organization: sustainability seen in the perspective of complexity and systems science and ethical considerations”. Other speakers include Toru Nishigaki, Rafael…

Lecture by Carl Smith

DBL Interactive – A new on-line tool for Bringing Bayesian Networks to the world, Carl Smith (School of Integrative Systems, The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA; President Elect of the Australian Bayesian Network Modelling Society) DBL Interactive – A new on-line tool for Bringing Bayesian Networks to the world Bayesian networks…