The Vivarium. Forerunner of today’s Systems Biology
The Vienna Vivarium accommodated from 1902 the “Biologische Versuchsanstalt”, which in 1914 was incorporated into the Academy of Sciences. It was founded by Hans Przibram and others and one of the most popular scientists was Paul Kammerer whose research can be interpreted as a forerunner of epigenetic inheritance. Gerd Müller,…
Gothenburg 2016 | Wolfgang Hofkirchner | Transdisciplinarity and Systems Thinking
Wolfgang Hofkirchner was invited to give a lecture in the course Transdisciplinarity Research Methods at the Department of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg. At the same time, that lecture was part of the SCCIIL Interdisciplinary Center Research Seminar that connects to Chalmers University. SCCIIL is a center for interdisciplinary research in the intersection…
Die Qualität von Information – eine weise Gesellschaft? Wolfgang Hofkirchner über die Anforderungen der neuen Epoche
See the position on information, a wise society and the requirements of our age in:, Kolumne “Management im Kopf”, Folge 23, Komplexität meistern, von Maria Pruckner, published on 31. 10. 2016 (in German). Link
“Meaning“ did not emerge like a bolt from the blue
Recent literature suggests the appearance of information that is coupled to significance not only with the advent of biotic agents (“meaning” in living systems) but already with prebiotic environments, namely, with the existence of agents (non-living, physical systems) that – according to the fourth law of thermodynamics after Stuart Kaufmann – …
Helena Knyazeva appointed Academician
Helena Knyazeva, Professor at the School of Philosophy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, has been appointed as member of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS). She is the youngest member of IASCYS and the first member of the Russian Federation. She…
BCSSS Managing Director Stefan Blachfellner is elected as Vice President of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
The members of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) elected Stefan Blachfellner, BCSSS Managing Director and leader of the BCSSS Research Groups Socio-ecological Systems and Design and Systems Science and Philosophy as Vice President of the organization. © Alexander Laszlo
BCSSS Member David Rousseau President of the ISSS 2018/2019
David Rousseau, leader of the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy and member of the BCSSS Scientific Council was elected as President 2018/2019 of the International Society for the Study of Systems Science (ISSS) by the international members of the organization. The ISSS is among the first and oldest…
Bertalanffy Lecture 2016: “Complex Systems Perspective in Neuroscience – historical and current approaches“ by Prof. Péter Érdi
The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science welcomes the renowned expert Prof. Péter Érdi and invites you to join us for the next event of the BCSSS Lecture Series 2016 in Systems Medicine and Healthcare Systems on Thursday, 22 September 2016, 6 pm at the Bertalanffy Center for the…
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