Vienna 2016 | Workshop | Systems Medicine | Systemökologie der Ernährung
Felix Tretter: „Systemökologie der Ernährung“ Am Donnerstag, den 31. März und Freitag, den 1. April 2016 fand im Department Sozialökonomie der WU Wien ein BCSSS Workshop des Arbeitsfeldes Systems Medicine statt, organisiert und geleitet von Felix Tretter (BCSSS). Diskutiert wurden Fragen zu Systemtheorie, Ernährungsökologie und Sozialökologie. Bei dem Workshop wurde…
Ludwig von Bertalanffy as representative of Viennese zoology
In a book contribution co-authored by Gerd B. Müller, Vice President of the BCSSS, and Hans Nemeschkal, both at the Department of Theoretical Biology at the University of Vienna, Ludwig von Bertalanffy is presented in the context of the history of the Viennese zoology. Bertalanffy’s unique contribution was what they…
“Homo informaticus” expert talk at Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung in Munich
On Tuesday, 15 March 2016, the Bavarian Hanns Seidel Stiftung hosts expert talks on the conception of man in the information society. After serving on the programme committees of interdisciplinary conferences at the University of Vienna that discussed several conceptions like “homo economicus” or “homo ecologicus”, Felix Tretter is to give…
New Publication on Ludwig von Bertalanffy and the Viennese Zoology
The Vienna University Press published a new book entitled “Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität – Disziplinengeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik“ within which the co-authors BCSSS Vize President Gerd Müller and Hans Nemeschkal , both members of the Department of Theoretical Biology, University Vienna, present Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the historical…
emcsr avantgarde Submission is open! Join the meetings!
The new emcsr avantgarde will be the “talent” scout event in the field of Systems Science in Vienna from March 30th to April 1st, 2016. It will be the first pop up conference meeting in the field of Systems Science, called emcsr avantgarde. Are you the ready to engage in…
5th workshop on „Social Morphogenesis“ in Paris
In January 2016 the fifth workshop of the cooperation project „Social Morphogenesis“ of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) and the Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) took place at the SciencesPo in Paris. With the topic “Morphogenesis and Eudaimonia” the group prepared the fifth and last volume…
Preconditions of a “good society”
The UK-based Centre for Social Ontology (CSO) held the fifth and last Morphogenetic Project workshop. Contributions to the final volume to be published in the Springer book series were discussed. The topic “Morphogenesis & Eudaimonia” comprised social science and humanities accounts of necessary and sufficient conditions of a “good society”. Jamie…
We are back, rebooting the system in 2016 – emcsr becomes avantgarde
The European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research will be held in Vienna from March 30th to April 1st, 2016. It will be the first pop up conference meeting in the field of Systems Science, called emcsr avantgarde. The name reflects the vision and the core of the programme. We…
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