21st European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research held by Bertalanffy Center – Young Scientist Award granted for the first time – Edgar Morin honoured
Please, follow! Click on the image! (photo: emcsr) From 10 to 13 April 2012 the Campus of the University of Vienna was the venue of the emcsr 2012. 168 academics and practitioners attended the conference. The focus was on the self-reflection of the field against the background of urgent global…
Bertalanffy Center to award Edgar Morin
In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of complexity thinking, the Bertalanffy Center will award a prize to Edgar Morin. The award ceremony will take place at the forthcoming European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, on 10th of April 2012, 20:00, in Lecture Hall B at the…
The Morphogenetic Project and Self-Organisation
Margaret Archer, the Director of the Centre for Social Ontology at the École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, is the leader of the so-called Morphogenetic project. The morphogenetic approach is a social theory attempt to understand change in society in the perspective of critical realism (follow that link: http://cdh.epfl.ch/page-37105-en.html). The usage of the term…
Systems experts gathered in Vienna: Systems thinking – what’s it for?
On 10 November 2011 the Bertalanffy Center was host of 20 international systems theorists and practitioners, among them leading representatives of systems movement organisations like the President of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS), Matjaz Mulej; the representative of the European Union for Systemics (UES/EUS), Pierre Bricage;…
Death mask donated
At the symposium “Systems thinking: what’s it for?”, organised by the Center on the occasion of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s 110th anniversary of his birthday with international experts on 10 November 2011 in Vienna, the death mask of Ludwig von Bertalanffy was handed on to the Center. The last owner of…
Vienna 2011 | Ludwig von Bertalanffy 110 Aniversary
In 2011 there was the 110th anniversary of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s birthday. Thanks to sufficient funding, the BCSSS could organise two LvB 110 Events on 9 and 10 November 2011 and invite renown systems theorists from abroad. On the eve of a one-day symposium David Pouvreau held a public lecture…
New documents for the Bertalanffy archive received
Gisèle Bertalanffy donated another five boxes with manuscripts, lecture transcripts, photos, tapes, super 8 films, and else obtaining to the legacy of Ludwig von Bertalanffy to our center. At first sight writings appeared the existence of which we even had not have knowledge of. All records will be professionally archived…
Systems Movement Organisations Agree on Strengthening Cooperation
Representatives of five international organisations met on the occasion of the 8ème Congrès International de l’Union Européenne de Systemique in Brussels from 20 to 22 October: • Andrée Piecq, President of the European Union for Systemics (UES) • Gerhard Chroust, Secretary General of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR)…
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