The Günther Ossimitz Memorial Award (GO Award) recognizes the most promising contribution from Science and Research in data-based Systems Modeling as well as other quantitative, qualitative and explorative modeling and analytical methodologies which enable us to formalize Systems approaches.
The call is open now until 08 November 2019.
Apply now on our submission site! (closed)
About Günther Ossimitz
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Günther Ossimitz (1958-2013) was an internationally recognised Austrian scientist.
During his teachers’ education in mathematics and geography Günther Ossimitz got involved with the Institute of Mathematics at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt (AAU) and very soon after graduating, in 1984, he became university assistant. In 1991 Günther Ossimitz did his doctorate and submitted a thesis on mathematics for economists and habilitated in 2001 with his thesis on “Development of Systemic Thinking”. At the AAU Günther Ossimitz worked on the topic of “Systems Thinking and Creativity in School Practice”. His projects, teaching, and research activities in the fields of systemic thinking and his foci in thinking in models, thinking in networked structures, thinking in dynamic temporal forms, and his ability in the practical management of systems models are considered as pioneering in Austria, as well as internationally acknowledged.
Günther Ossimitz was involved with the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS) from 2004 until 2012, where he functioned as member of the Board of Directors. Exceeding the scientific objective of the BCSSS, it is the Bertalanffy Center’s desire to commemorate Günther Ossimitz’s name, intellectual achievements and work for the benefit of future generations.
Why this Award
Being a mathematics teacher, Günther Ossimitz loved to work with young people and had the strong passion to awaken their enthusiasm for the broad field of mathematics. The Günther-Ossimitz-Award was established in memory of Günther Ossimitz’s outstanding contribution to the further development of systems sciences. Especially his passion for the promotion of young researchers is the main reason for the establishment and grant of this award.
Thanks to a donation acquired through Crowdfunding by Mag. Dr. Barbara Hanfstingl, Associate Professor at the Institute of Instructional and School Development at AAU as well as her initiative to develop the Günther-Ossimitz-Award, the BCSSS became enabled to award this endowed Science Award with its subsequent funds and strategic support from 2018 onwards.
Awards Presentation
The awards will be presented at the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research or similar academic partner conferences, and communicated via press releases together with academic partner associations and a widespread professional social media coverage, safeguarded by the BCSSS.
Requirements and Conditions of the Award
Target Group
The target group of this Austrian Science Award are graduates (MA and PhD) from a European school or European citizens. Applications with domain or discipline specific, interdisciplinary as well as transdisciplinary approaches are welcome from natural science, social science and humanities, as well as engineering and design science.
The monetary Günther Ossimitz Award recognizes the most promising contribution from Science and Research in e.g. system dynamics, agent based modeling, data science, artifical intelligence; either applied to practical cases, or as further development of these methods.
– data-based, quantitative systems modeling (e.g. simulation models, …)
– qualitative and explorative modeling (e.g. conceptual models, soft systems methodologies, causal loop diagrams, …)
– studies that enable us to formalize systems approaches towards analytical methodologies.
Its purpose is the support and recognition of the important and demanded development of the next generation of systems scientists and researchers, focusing on the methodological advancements and capabilities for future oriented solutions.
For contributions to theory, epistemology, philosophy of science, please refer to the Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award.
The winners will be awarded with a monetary donation of EUR 1.000,- and will be presented at the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research or similar academic partner conferences, in press releases together with academic partner associations and the BCSSS widespread professional social media coverage. All selected nominees will receive an honorary certificate.
The thesis and additional documents must be submitted in English. In case the thesis has been written in another European language, an extended abstract of the thesis must be provided in English for the consideration to be nominated. In the further evaluation process the applicant may be asked to provide a full translation on request by the scientific committee.
To be eligible for the award a graduate student must have defended her or his dissertation within the last two years (date of evaluation in case of a master thesis).
The self-nomination should include:
- a one to three-page letter of nomination highlighting the exceptional research presented in the dissertation;
- a curriculum vitae of the candidate not to exceed three pages;
- a copy of the thesis and
- one letter by a supervisor or mentor supporting the nomination.
When preparing nomination and supporting letters and CV, you may wish to provide additional information about the nominee’s work and record. For example, please note any of the following if relevant:
- Publication of results;
- Presentation of the work in a venue other than the home institution;
- Recognition by the student’s university;
- Citations (e.g. via Google Scholar or in talks) of the work by other researchers;
- Application of the work in practical fields, e.g. industry, government, NGOs.
The submission link will be available a month prior to the submission deadline.
The evaluation process will take place within a three months period. The winners will be notified in written form.
The Award will be given for those dissertations deemed most outstanding by the Award Committee. The award is intended to be based entirely on the dissertation itself, not on other work of the individual.
As we are aware that women are often underrepresented in the domains the Award focuses on, we consider it our duty to promote women’s representation and scientific recognition, and especially encourage young female researchers to submit their dissertations.