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The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science presents a corner stone of its research agenda with the recently published Special Issue of Systema: General Systems Transdisciplinarity

The Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science presents a corner stone of its research agenda with the recently published Special Issue of Systema: General Systems Transdisciplinarity, guest edited by Debora Hammond (Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Hutchins School of Liberal Studies, Sonoma State University, California, USA; Past President, International…

New Publication on Ludwig von Bertalanffy and the Viennese Zoology

The Vienna University Press published a new book entitled “Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität – Disziplinengeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik“ within which the co-authors BCSSS Vize President Gerd Müller and Hans Nemeschkal , both members of the Department of Theoretical Biology, University Vienna, present Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the historical…

If you are interested in the book series we have published or co-edited please visit our book series page

If you are interested in the list of published books and articles until 2017 you may visit our archive page

Systema Journal

From 2012 to 2019 we have been publishing an open access online journal Systema: Connecting matter, life, culture and technology. We are in the process of archiving this journal to make it accessible again.