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Tag: approach

BCSSS visiting student Monika Pichler completed successfully her Master thesis “Smart City Vienna”

We are proud to announce the successful completion of Monika Pichler‘s Erasmus Mundus Master Degree on “Smart City Vienna: System Dynamics Modelling as a Tool for Understanding Feedbacks and Supporting Smart City Strategies“. For her studies Monika took part in the European Master Programme in System Dynamics (EMSD), a BCSSS…

Call for papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Consumer Policy on System Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption Policies

Guest Editors: André Martinuzzi, WU Vienna, Austria Lucia Reisch, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark Submission of papers: September 30th, 2015 Planned publication: September 2016 (No. 3) Prospective contributors are invited to discuss their ideas informally with the special issue editors (contact: andre.martinuzzi@wu.ac.at). Research on sustainable consumption in general and on…

León 2013 | Workshop | Social Networks

September 13-15, 2013, the University of León, León, Spain, held a workshop for students on “Social networks: from communication to solidarity (an interdisciplinary approach)”. It was organised by BCSSS Fellow José María Díaz Nafría. Two Board Members were invited to give talks. Wolfgang Hofkirchner introduced the notion of  the Global…

Bertalanffy and Vernadsky

Vladimir I. Vernadsky is the Russian founder of Biogeochemistry. He died in 1945. On the occasion of his 150th birthday several scientific institutions met at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin for a conference on 15th March 2013 (at the same building Vernadsky held two lectures in 1927). Wolfgang Hofkirchner…