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Tag: Michele Battle-Fisher

BCSSS Member pitched Book on Transhuman: Biohackers and Immortalists at MIT Press Pitchfest

BCSSS member, Michele Battle-Fisher, was one of seven finalists to pitch a science and technology book idea at the first annual MIT Press Pitchfest, called the “Shark Tank” of book publishing. She competed for the chance to workshop her Transhuman book which is based on the in- production documentary, Transhuman:…

“Paradigm shifting” talk by BCSSS member Michele Battle-Fisher at TEDxDartmouth in 2018

Michele Battle-Fisher, BCSSS member, was a presenter at TEDxDartmouth on 21 April 2018 at Dartmouth College, USA. In line with the conference’s theme “Paradigm Shift”, Michele spoke about the innovation of teaching systems thinking to medical students. Systems thinking is meant to highlight just how dynamically human we are as…