“Systems Science for Systems Engineering”. BCSSS Scientific Council Member David Rousseau starts the year with a promising research programme.
From 20th to 22nd January 2017 our valued member of the BCSSS Scientific Council and leader of the BCSSS Research Group “Systems Science and Philosophy” David Rousseau attended the NSF (National Science Foundation) workshop “Future Directions in Engineering Design and Systems Engineering” at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia,…
Vienna 2016 | Wolfgang Hofkirchner | Convergences of General System Theory, Critical Realism and Theory of Society
The International Sociological Association held its 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology 10-14 July 2016 in Vienna. The Forum was devoted to the topic “The future We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World”. Wolfgang Hofkirchner gave a presentation at the Research Committee on Sociocybernetics (RC 51) on…
Presentation at the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Sociocybernetics
by Wolfgang Hofkirchner Wolfgang Hofkirchner gave a presentation at the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Sociocybernetics annual meeting. The 9th Conference on Sociocybernetics was titled “Modernity 2.0 – Emerging Social Media Technologies and their impacts” and held in Urbino. Hofkirchner presented a paper on how the system theoretical perspective…
Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Social Systems and Sense-Making
Presentation by Wolfgang Hofkirchner Wolfgang Hofkirchner gives an invited presentation about “Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Social Systems and Sense-Making” on 7.5.2009. Joint AOC (Advanced Organizational Consultation) Society, and Sigmund Freud University Symposium, Conversations that Connect Membership and Meaning, Vienna. Download presentation.
Elohim Jiménez-López presentation
at a congress in Mexico. At the 2008 congress on electromechanical engineering and systems SEPI/ESIME IPN in Mexico city Elohim Jiménez-López will present work on “sustainable development of the human personality”.
Heinz von Foerster Symposium
Peter Fleissner’s presentation on “Systemic Thinking in Simulation Models – A Report from the Workbench” From 16 to 19 November 2007 the Heinz von Foerster Gesellschaft organized the 3rd International Heinz von Foerster-Congress “Systems / Systemics” (with special sections on Ernst von Glasersfeld and Gordon Pask) at the University of…
Paper on Weiss and Bertalanffy presented at the ISSS 2006 50th annual meeting
At the ISSS 2006 (50th Annual Meeting) a paper by Drack and Apfalter was presented: Is Paul Weiss’ and Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s System Thinking still valid today?
Elohim Jiménez-López presentation
at a congress in Mexico At the fourth international congress on electromechanical engineering and systems SEPI/ESIME IPN (14.-18. Nov. 2005) in Mexico city Elohim Jiménez-López presents work on “sustainable development of humanity”.
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