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Tag: quality

Ethical and Juridical Aspects on Human Digitalization in Health (HDIHA)

Concluding a very successful year for the BCSSS Research Groups ‘Human Digitalization’ as well as ‘Systems Medicine and Health Care Systems’, BCSSS Vice President Felix Tretter organized the sixth symposium in the series of Big Data and Health events on November 20 to 21. Since fall 2018, the group had…

Big Data – Epistemological Requests of Systems Science

On October 10th and 11th in 2018 the BCSSS became a Big Data Hub, where about 15 people of different disciplines came together in order to critically assess the fundamental epistemological potential of Big Data. The event dealt with a philosophical oriented, multidisciplinary examination as an epistemology of Big Data….

BCSSS visiting student Monika Pichler completed successfully her Master thesis “Smart City Vienna”

We are proud to announce the successful completion of Monika Pichler‘s Erasmus Mundus Master Degree on “Smart City Vienna: System Dynamics Modelling as a Tool for Understanding Feedbacks and Supporting Smart City Strategies“. For her studies Monika took part in the European Master Programme in System Dynamics (EMSD), a BCSSS…

The BCSSS Lecture Series in Systems Science and Medicine continues with Managing Healthcare Systems

Since the beginning of this year we are organizing a lecture series at Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS, 1040 Vienna, Paulanerg. 13) on the contribution of Systems Science to the understanding of disease in the sense of the emerging “Systems Medicine”. The talks are aimed at…