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Tag: strategy

The BCSSS Lecture Series in „Systems Science and Medicine“ continues with Evolutionary Medicine and Systemic Holistic Medicine

We cordially invite you to join the next event of the BCSSS lecture series „Systems Science and Medicine“: Prof. Dr. Detlev Ganten, Charité Berlin presents on Thursday, November 19th 2015, 6pm his findings on Evolutionäre Medizin und systemische ganzheitliche Medizin (lecture in German), Hörsaal Institut f. Hygiene, Medizinische Universität, Kinderspitalgasse…

Several BCSSS members have been invited to the Systemic Inquiry on Governing the Anthropocene. Cybersystemic Possibilities?

The Systemic Inquiry ‘Governing the Anthropocene. Cybersystemic Possibilities?’ was held at Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover from 30-31st July 2015. Stefan Blachfellner (BCSSS Managing Director and IFSR Vice President), David Rousseau (BCSSS Scientific Council Member), Felix Tretter (BCSS Fellow), Thomas Wallner (BCSSS Board Member),  and Liss C. Werner (BCSSS Research Group Leader)…