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Tag: system change

4th Circular Change Conference in Maribor showcases how to succeed as a business in the Circular Economy

Current challenges for humanity make a transition from a linear to a circular economy inevitable. But how may such a large-scale system change succeed, overcoming diverging interests of various societal groups, legal barriers, competition with conventional businesses and other constraints? The 4th Circular Change Conference on May 16 -17 in…

On the way to the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper – Catalysing a Just Transition to a One Planet Economy

On Monday, 10th of December, Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, was invited to attend the first follow-up event by the Austrian Umweltdachverband (UWD, Environmental Umbrella Organisation) and the Europen Environment Bureau (EEB): Presentation and discussion of the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper. The 8UAP Action Paper is…