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Tag: systems

On the way to the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper – Catalysing a Just Transition to a One Planet Economy

On Monday, 10th of December, Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the BCSSS, was invited to attend the first follow-up event by the Austrian Umweltdachverband (UWD, Environmental Umbrella Organisation) and the Europen Environment Bureau (EEB): Presentation and discussion of the 8th European Environmental Program Action Paper. The 8UAP Action Paper is…

Article on the Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities by BCSSS President Alexander Laszlo is now available online

Alexander Laszlo, BCSSS President, has, together with Ervin Laszlo published an article on “The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities”, in 2003. The full article is now availabe online. Summary. The article presents the systems sciences as a field of inquiry and discusses the way in which it…

David Rousseau connects with European, Middle-Eastern and African communitites at INCOSE EMEA Sector Systems Engineering Conference in Berlin, Germany

Following his active engagement with the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) throughout 2018, BCSSS Scientific Council Member David Rousseau concluded the year by participating at EMEASEC from November 5 to 7 in Berlin, Germany, the regional conference of the EMEA Group which connects Europe, Middle-East and Africa. The visit…

Mapping the Landscape of Patterns Across Domains – Vol. 1: Overview of Survey Results

Launched in February 2018 by the BCSSS Research Group Systems Science and Pattern Literacy, the Survey Mapping the Landscape of Patterns across Domains generated 140 responses. In general terms, respondents come from a variety of disciplines: systems science, systems thinking, business consulting, computer science and information technologies, design, architecture, permaculture,…

BCSSS Vice-President Felix Tretter systemically re-envisions theoretical psychology at Günther Schiepek Symposium

Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Günter Schiepek, the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg organized a symposium on 8th and 9th of June on ‘Self organization – A paradigm for the humanities”. Schiepek is an accomplished researcher and head of the Institute for Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research. He had been…

Is there still a distinction between a Human and a Robot?

The IEEE (“Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers” – the world’s largest professional association) recently published Version 2 of Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS), produced by the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems. This initiative consists of…

Register now! 2018 NSF Design Circle Workshop: Designing and Developing Global Engineering Systems, Oregon, USA

From 22nd to 24th March 2018 the 2018 NSF Design Circle Workshop: Designing and Developing Global Engineering Systems takes place in Oregon, USA Organized by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in co-operation with the Oregon State University the goal of this workshop is bring together educators and researchers in the…