Call for contributions! Special Award for ‘Action on Climate Change’ by IIID & BCSSS
Call for contributions! Special Design Award ‘Action on Climate Change’ The IIID Award is a great celebration of what Information Designers contribute to Society. They apply Creativity and Design Thinking to solve complex Communication Problems, and to improve every aspect of Human Life. In the framework of the IIID Award…
BCSSS becomes an active supporter for a digital humanism
Upon concluding a year of an intriguing workshops series concerned with new technological developments the BCSSS joins a movement supporting a new digital humanism. The center became an official supporter of the Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism. The manifesto is a reaction to the challenges and threats that arise with…
Article on the Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities by BCSSS President Alexander Laszlo is now available online
Alexander Laszlo, BCSSS President, has, together with Ervin Laszlo published an article on “The Contribution of the Systems Sciences to the Humanities”, in 2003. The full article is now availabe online. Summary. The article presents the systems sciences as a field of inquiry and discusses the way in which it…
90 – Back & Forth! designaustria’s 90th jubilee connects with the Systems Science
In the framework of the 90th anniversary of designaustria at the designforum, MuseumsQuartier Vienna, on 1st December 2017, Stefan Blachfellner, Managing Director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, was invited to moderate and bridge the perspectives of Christian Maryška, author and curator at the Austrian National…
Vienna 2011 | Ludwig von Bertalanffy 110 Aniversary
In 2011 there was the 110th anniversary of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s birthday. Thanks to sufficient funding, the BCSSS could organise two LvB 110 Events on 9 and 10 November 2011 and invite renown systems theorists from abroad. On the eve of a one-day symposium David Pouvreau held a public lecture…
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